Saturday, April 4, 2015

Concerning Construction and Project Management for Countryside Climates

The author has recently moved to a ranch type acreage in a quiet country locale. At same locale, the author has begun an ad hoc project, firstly in regards to automotive repair. In a linear manner, the author is also keeping up with vocational planning and software development -- at this time, insofar as ideas management. To avoid casting any short or long shadow onto concepts of patent ownership and patent litigation, the author has been endeavoring to avoid developing any projects that may be too far semantically similar or too much practically similar to any of the body of existing work in software and academia. Beyond concerns with regards to patent ownership, patent licensing, and litigation about laws concerning intellectual property, the author has begun to develop an orthogonal thesis with regards to managed knowledge sharing, as viz a viz the respective technology transfer methods developed by the ESA and by NASA -- as to a point, a concept of managed technology transfer. In a manner, that concept resides in parallel to a concept of informal knowledge sharing.

In the previous article at the author's DSP42 tech web log, the author had developed a number of concepts -- albeit, none too formally expressed -- with regards to thesis projects, software projects, and the simple observation that to develop a software project's documentation, it may entail something like a thesis project -- citing the FreeBSD Handbook, then, as a literary precedent to which effect. In that article, the author also developed -- in a short time -- a concept of programming language as programming media, and a corresponding concept of FPGA programming being similar to, or rather being correlated to software programming only insofar as that an FPGA program is applied essentially as to configure a digital circuit, whereas a software program is developed essentially as to control a computing machine -- such manner of machine, including a microprocessor, perhaps having been implemented with an FPGA program, onto a single FPGA circuit.  Initially, the author's thesis was that a thesis development project, in itself, would entail an original work in ideas management, as would correspond to content development and formal bibliographical reference.

Presently, the author would like to develop a widely orthogonal thesis, with regards to project management for country projects, citing the classic wood working projects regularly published by the periodical, Popular Mechanics. Certainly, Popular Mechanics is one of the original "DIY" resources, at least for projects at a small residential scale, such as -- in a formal sense -- single-facility construction projects, automotive study, and electronics study. By no oversimplified comparison, it might seem vaguely similar to the extensive work developed about digital and analog electronics, specifically, such as of modular projects and studies published by the Adafruit Learning System and at Sparkfun. In short, the Adafruit Learning System itself might seem to be something like a Popular Mechanics of the modern digital electronics domain.

Returning to a concept of country projects -- the author presently relying on the author's own memory of a few of the construction projects published by Popular Mechanics, namely those applying wood as a building material -- in a sense, such construction projects would need at least four things as in order to be produced. No riddle:

  • Materials
  • Tools
  • Labor
  • A Plan
Insofar as budgeting for materials purchases, tools purchases or tool rentals, labor time, and development or licensing of plans, that in itself may entail something of a managerial quality. It being something of an implicit quality of such projects -- in some projects, moreover to a decentralized quality, essentially of a group-oriented project management, for projects managed of all of a group's knowledge, contrasted to a monolithic or centralized style of management -- the author will not denote it separately.

Insofar as concerning the media of project plans, and a corresponding concern as with regards to terms of licensing, certainly the digital tablet is not the first medium on which a plan would be produced, though it may afford an opportunity for licensing and control of media files. In an older sense, paper often suffices as a medium.

Orthogonally, the author is presently mulling about a concept with regards to developing a manner of structural archaeology, as around a single thesis concept: That if a structure exists, that structure was built by someone, at a time in the history of the known cosmos.

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