Sunday, July 5, 2015

Towards an Emergent Concept of Task Scheduling and Ontology

After reading an article, this morning, in the Taskwarrior documentation[1] — specifically, an article about the Taskwarrior JSON Format[2] — I thought it would be well to take pause and develop an orthogonal concept.

... an orthogonal reference to the iCalendar data record format[3], as concerning syntaxes of duration strings, in programmatic data records for regularly/periodically occurring event data expressed in iCalendar formats[4]  — to denote a thesis statement, in albeit an abstract sense, as regarding:  Internal representations of data record values, within programmed data systems.

Some Thoughts — Initial Thesis Arc

  • Data registers — historically, cf. MIT CADR and the original Motorola microcontrollers
  • Data record formats — cf. Common Lisp type system, and C type types system, primarily to a juxtaposition of structure data types (i.e CLtL2/CLOS/MOP structure-class implementation[s] and C 'struct')
  • Data interpreters and unambiguous grammars (cf… awk? Mathematics of finite state machines, graph theory, abstract principles; a leap to BNF, parser generation, and parser applications; Common Lisp readtable, CLtL2 standard syntax; read/eval/print loop; case study, de.set.atn and de.setf.xml)
  • Sidebar: Code alignment, in Common Lisp programs. cl-json
  • The shiny thesis punch-line — albeit, arriving too late in the dissertation
  • The pragmatic outro — tip of a hat to the development cloud?? 

Some Thoughts — Secondary Thesis Arc

  • Measurement Theory
  • Units of Quantity, Units of Measurement, Mathematical Interpreters, floating-point errors, and the Igneous-Math codebase
  • Duration of Time as a measurable quantity
  • Generic encoding for duration of time, in a format of a constant value as may be added or removed to a numeric time coordinate value encoded as Common Lisp universal time
    • Juxtaposition: UNIX Epoch Time

Immediate Considerations:
  • Installing Taskwarrior Server on FreeBSD
    • It uses JSON, therefore probably needs an HTTP sever
      • NGinx on FreeBSD
        • Chroot virtual jails in FreeBSD
          • Creating a virtual jail
          • Virtual networking for virtual jails
          • Load balancing for virtual jails, using PF
      • HTTP auth methods may include: Kerberos (SPNEGO?). 
        • Client support TBD
  • Configuration
    • Alternative: LAN/SDN/VPS config
      • Denoted in the previous
    • Alternative: Third Party Hosted config
      • Shout out to a company with support staff for the hosted config
  • Installing Taskwarrior client applications
    • ... Android client  
    • … client … PyGTK [FreeBSD; Debian 8; GTK on MSFT8.1?]
    • … client … ncurses [FreeBSD; Cygwin; Debian 8]
  • And why not right now: "Because"
    1. Too immediate
    2. Too many opportunists
    3. Free Software Estate / Free Beer Elite ?
    4. No Solution
  • Chalking-Up Point and Mark
    • What this began as; A search for a simple task management platform, such as might be available on the FreeBSD operating system, and as might be available without it requiring that an enterprise grade cafeteria or stew kitchen -- complimentary with kitchen sink -- be installed on a LAN server, viz a viz. brand Enterprise(TM) portal applications
    • What this became, at this article: An initial design sketch -- the author fails to note clearly -- for a definition of data records as may be able to read Taskwarrior protocol messages (JSON structures) in Common Lisp
    • What this will not be: 
      • Will not be: A sly effort for co-opting Taskwarrior. It's not a business hacking project, this, it's a "success," in and by a technical extension project.
      • Will not be: A leverage for making an academic career, "Finally and at last!" within a really terribly rough time, academically, with some "Universities" -- mitigated only by the selection of an online "School", for all the costs of it however. 
      • Will not be: A pointed divergence to an entirely orthogonal design
      • Will not be: Rise of the Lords of Lambda Dance, The Great and Final Emergence of Lisp Politics, the Cloned Wars, or of The OS named, Thing That Should Not Be(TM)
      • But might be: A carrier for. finally and this day, a shout/out for a Metallica song, noted in the previous itemized list item. It's a darker sounding kind of hard rocking song by Metallica(TM)
      • What this is, presently: This is a 'blog article. "Ciao!"
    • Ed. note: The "Emergent" keyword in the title, that kinda throws it.
      • There was an emergent concept - towards a view about moreso a data model for data records in a task scheduling  application, namely Taskwarrior -- albeit, initially, to no single application, in Common Lisp, therefore a data model without communications encoder, channel, decoder or receiver models, abstractly -- but including a concept: That Common Lisp may be applied in this system. It's even listed in the FreeBSD handbook, albeit not a compiler LoL.
      • Between the first and second edits of this article, the concept of an emergent concept -- as was being addressed of this article -- had appeared as though to cease to emerge, as a concept.
      • Presently, to a matter of ambiguity: The phrase, "Towards an Emergent Fum" might seem as if to suggest as though there was not already an existing Fum in the known universe of discourse -- a grammatical irony, certainly, in that with the instance of the original title of this article, the original title could be kerned as so, and it be more to the original point: Towards [SP] an emergent concept [SP] of task scheduling [ELLIPSIS] s/o to the Enterprise Common Lisp wizards beyond the green curtain (SNARK)
      • Thus, the initial title of the article -- in all the expedience of the article's initial authorship -- the title, "Towards an Emergent Concept of Task Scheduling", did not serve denote the full concept that the author had wished to develop of the article. 
      • To the author's own short recollection, this article was begun simply at the nearest concept that the author wished to develop. It was, in fact, an article begun in the Blogaway app on an Android thin client computer. 
      • Not as if to shunt a development community of either empathy or culture -- as with regards to not presently developing Common Lisp altogether, if one is not, with no further discussion about the sustainability of purely academic projects -- it was rather a simple concept of a data structure, at the onset of this article -- focusing, albeit in short note at the time, about the syntax of a duration data type defined in iCalendar
      • Not as though to indulge here on a Sunday afternoon, perhaps this lengthy discussion may now serve to bring the article, succinctly enough, back around towards its, albeit poorly stated point
    • In its second major revision, this article is now titled as so: Towards an Emergent Concept of Task Scheduling and Ontology
      • The phrase, "And Ontology," perhaps may serve to add a unique sense of emphasis to the title, as towards a broadening view of an applicability of ontology in data systems
      • However, in such proximity to a discussion about Common Lisp, perhaps the phrase may seem as if to add a suggestion as though it was to become a thesis derailed in whatsoever, derailed of a concept of either Passive A.I or the mythical Non-Passive A.I -- both being concepts that the author prefers to simply not create stories of.
      • So, the phrase "And Ontology" may need a further lexical qualification
      • This article will presently diverge to a secondary thesis, in introducing a concept of ontology
    • What does the author know about ontology? (ad hoc syntax)
      • Knowledge expression in a tuple format: 
        • Subject_1, for instance, an RDF resource denoting a lunar location, "Dark side of the moon"
        • Predicate_1, for instance, and RDF property denoting a relation such as "Is the location of"
        • Object_1, for instance, an RDF resource denoting a philosophical enigma, "Narrator of that song by Pink Floyd"
        • Predicate_2, an RDF property, "referenced from"
        • Object_2, e.g. "That one song by the band, Pink Floyd"
        • We may then express the relation in the song, succinctly
          • M = {Subject_1, Predicate_1, Object_1}
        • Furthermore, we may make note of the source of the reference, given that available data
          • N = {M, Predicate_2, Object_2} 
        • Thus, object N expresses a reification of an existing tuple, namely in a relation of tuple as Subject
      • The applicable role of reification as a method for bibliographical citation in ontological data structures -- is that, as yet, undiscovered concept, might it be, in so much reflection of all the Huge Data? 
      • Given the "Given axioms" as presented:
        • Anyone whom may legally access both of objects N and M -- as data objects, with no present review of objects denoted by the data -- essentially anyone then should be able to review the definition of M for its reference denoted in N, and likewise to review object N for the statement that it is drawn to, in the bibliographical reference, namely object M
        • Thus; This describes a method for making albeit a non-narrative data reference with a peer-reviewable reification format, in a manner of a bibliography
          • How could this be relevant? In reviewing details of a crisis, it avoids all of a coroner's view of the data.
        • Inasmuch as it being a non-narrative statement -- not an article, not a report, not a book in itself -- the author sincerely does not want to decompose all of language into tuples. If it seems that there are methods for such deomposition, certainly it may serve as to comment to the essentially communicative nature of language. Presently, author is presently unwilling to decompose -- if any arbitrary regards -- to arbitrarily decompose language into any smaller expressions than of the individual list items of an individual itemized list, in the hope that it may serve as a reading aid to the inevitably busy reader whom might otherwise entirely dismiss this article from the reader's own attention, as with a remark, "TL;DR". The irony.
        • Of course, in developing this article now as albeit a lengthy itemized list, it might seem to approach the limits of the itemized list as a format for human communication.
      • Furthermore, ontologies may be applied in study of non-crisis-oriented resources
        • Literary applications
        • Applications in archaeology
        • Applications in aiding with consumer selection of mass-produced commercial goods
        • Applications in aiding any number of  service help desk personnel for selection of knowledge base articles, for resolution of consumers' personal if not primarily technical concerns -- even if the knowledge base itself is as wide as the entire The Internet, at any single instance of time -- though likewise preserving something with regards to privacy in any single consumer-support relation, as per any support personnel's own sense of professionalism, if not moreover the structure of a support system in itself.
        • ...likely ever in assisting to ensure that any crisis N will not emerge, even if a crisis M may be already underway.
      • Perhaps, ontologies may be applied even in a study of an abstract concept of crisis, in itself
        • It might seem as though to entail a sort of coroner's view, however
        • Thus, objectivity.
  • ...and moving on, literally?
    • Shout-out to the coal miners and metallurgists of Donbass.



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