Saturday, July 11, 2015

Towards Defining a Granite Express - A Microblog Messaging Framework for CORBA.

The following is the text of a comment I'd posted, this morning, via the Google+ social networking service. Proceeding from that text, I'll amend any further comments to the asterisk.

So, who wants to write a microblog API this morning? *

The grammar of that remark, I know it's all social networking-EN-ish.  Of course, one writes software, whether or not software a product that would provide API services.

I think I've found my first, so to speak, "Hot" business idea of this year -- but not as if borrowed from or Twitter insomuch as about messaging, simple messaging, irrespective of medium.

I've been commenting about amateur radio, recently. Personally, I'm a few license grades short of being able to communicate on HF-ALE networks, though I know they exist.

There are also bridge frameworks for networks. The electronics of an open source HF-ALE to C4FM/FDMA bridge would be tricky to implement, I'm quite sure -- the voice-mode aspect of the bridging would be the really tricky part, in anything short of a full dx/dy informed view, and then the rate of the data transfer in the digital-mode.

It's possible, hypothetically, for an institution to build a communication bridge to any place on or beyond earth. I don't think the UN has been chiefing that goal, however.

I think that's a pretty neat possibility, in terms of aid services.

As far as platform-agnostic object models, I don't know of any need for anyone else to reinvent CORBA, as it's been reinvented so many times already -- even in XPCOM, for instance -- but it's pretty square in its origins, however perhaps seemingly obscured with the long rhetoric of specifications documents.

So far as meta programming, hypothetically an inventor may  also develop a bridge for "webs" to radio media. However, there's a small concern of bandwidth, at that.  So, limiting it to a "LAN Webs" sense, and even on drawing the picture as to be broad enough to integrate software defined networking (SDN) services and a complete trust model for purposes of non-repudiation if not also for contextual authentication services, it's a concept that can scale, too.

So, as far as "Getting over the proprietary", and being however dishumored if there's a public school purporting to teach of siegecraft, online, but in regards to real communications in real support models, perhaps this might be my first formal smoke signal of an idea for communications support.  If there's any matter of existing work as I am formally unable to comment to, perhaps the reader may reconsider if one would wish to  "Sue me" over such? I can't even make reference to it, it's not "my own private property" to describe.

So far as my own small idea, today, about microblog-style messaging, it's an idea I would not so much as pretend to keep under lock and key, as it's an idea for support of communications. Of course, so far as I'm familiar with any kind of an existing work, I'm very cautious to avoid any reference to such. There's an orthogonal matter about an HBO series that I won't even comment to, completely, ,at that. Russia already has something similar, as I've already seen photos of.

Referencing the formal amateur radio aspects of the history of the Debian project[s], I think there's precedent that a radio communications community can find a place in computing,  even outside of any further specialization of CDMA, HSPA, or GSM networks, patents or no patents, and orthogonally, via 110% open design or perhaps rather naturally otherwise. There are only so many things anyone can make open at once, of anything that is their own to make open and that is not open already. Failing that, we have opportunists such as Julian Assange and all the Wikileaks fanbase -- is not? --  then Edward Snowden gets dragged in with it? Not me, not by any length of arc, not ever. Not even with a thousand foot pole would I ever touch WIkileaks, outside of one visit I've already sent word about, to whose attention it most certainly applied.

Towards broader views, certainly the sciences are most often describing of any number of open concerns, already. Personally, I consider that I can focus on the sciences, then,  so long as I'm not boxing my thinking up for a proprietary or otherwise closed design. There's an information theory I've read of. Communications -- as a meta-semantic concept -- it's almost beginning to make sense of me, from that point of view, regardless of the many specialized concepts developed to or about any of any various radio frequency bands, concepts expressed however independently of any concepts of other frequency bands.

There's a big electromagnetic spectrum that the science have described. Maybe it's as well if most discussions would avoid the shortest wavelengths, except by an approach described of calculus -- considering, any experiments at those wavelengths would most certainly require a corresponding layer of electromagnetic shielding, for overall safety all around. We don't all get to play Tesla ever day, we inventors, certainly.

Communications, even as at a layer of the most fundamental qualities of channel media -- I'm mostly concerned about the digital, though I understand there are countless applications also for analog communications, even in so far as to the voice modes of extensible multi-mode radio systems -- rationally, extensible so far as science may reasonably, rationally, and ethically allow, and in a legal sense, extensible if only so far as regulations allow, in any setting.

Link repeaters and link bridges, nothing proprietary in that much -- and not either, the essentially stable geometry of a geodesic concept in design.

I'd consider to offer a guarantee of this: If the EC ensures that an aid corridor will be developed, they can leave it to the all of us to make sure that the aid arrives safely at the end of its travels -- as always, nothing expressly proprietary in the basic sciences, and nothing too woefully  passive in all of aid for defenses. If however, I'm not personally on "That Go Team," I've studies to continue otherwise.

In short: CORBA IDL allows for a media-independent definition of message structures, such that may applied to transmit message data, such that may then be presented via a presentaitonal application, in a layout like of a microblog -- though all would be, fundamentally, it would be like a matter of text messaging of a kind. essentially in abstracting the microblog format used by Twitter even further than to abstract it as if exclusively onto HTTP.

CORBA ,inasmuch, allows for the message data and message presentation data to be carried independently. That's more or less what XML has been striving for, though XML protocols have been limited essentially to stream-oriented transports such as HTTP.

Removing XML from the discussion momentarily, and with CORBA in the discussion at least momentarily, the CDR encoding method applied in IIOP -- not only may it be applied in basic socket-oriented TCP/IP communications models without any additional application layers than for the essential data transport. Perhaps a CDR encoding  may also allow for a non-stream-oriented data encoding -- more fundamentally, a bus-oriented data encoding -- a "stream" perhaps in it being only a sequence of bits delivered within any specific I2C or SPI protocol.

It scales.

That it scales in a manner orthogonal to HTTP, what estate is there in the HTTP web as it is? Certainly, my small comment here -- it's not to insult any of the protocol doyens of the W3C, or their employers' marketing departments either.

HTTP itself is a message-oriented protocol. It uses a pretty rudimentary encoding syntax with the HTTP headers -- a syntax as also seen in SMTP and NNTP -- and then the HTTP message content, likewise similar to SMTP and NNTP. If computers are so fast and networking is so broadband for so many, so much that it might seem as if the cost of computing in negotiating data via HTTP would be negligible in most instances?

Keeping CORBA in the discussion, there are other methodologies still -- by far -- developed and -- by in large -- available for transmitting a message's data via a digital communication channel.

* That's an essential idea of a thing -- to develop a generic microblog API, in a short sense, and without any excessive effort as though for marketing  any manner of a microblog API, in itself. It's not a concept for a web-based microblog API, insomuch. Perhaps the only tricky thing will be to incorporate a CORBA SEC model for user authentication and user identity, in defining a service model for microblogging via CORBA. It's not such that I could say could be a "Throw away" design -- as that there are modes of messaging in which text messages are not throwaway objects, moreover that there are media apart to commercially exploited channels.

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