- ...
- Lisp Machines
- Metaobject Protool
- ...
- PARC ILU [Mirror at Github]
- See also: CORBA
- See also: Hector: Distributed Objects in Python
- POSIX Portable Common Runtime (PPCR) (revision 1.21)
- See also: Lisp OS development; Microkernels; ,,,
ETC2 - i.e. Towards a file stream model for CORBA
- HighQSoft. CORBA File Server Specification 1.14
- Basic filesystem operations (Save, Read, Rename, Delete)
- Protocol appears to be specified at the granularity of files
- How direct file I/O would be handled, in the implementation, is not specified
- com.highqsoft.corbafileserver [IDL namespace]
- Interface with the file server's local filesystem
- CORBAFileServer.RootDir [Configuration parameter]
- Relies on host OS' underlying stream buffering
- Might not provide significant I/O control, filesystem exceptions, etc
- Alternate view: Create, Read, Write, Rename, Delete
- The Read and Write operations would require direct stream I/O onto the file server's filesystem
- The Create, Rename, Delete operations would be implemented onto the filesystem structure underlying the file server
- See also: Mungee et al. The Design and Performance of a CORBA Audio/Video Streaming Service
- Raises concerns with regards to memory allocation and data handling in CORBA IIOP implementations
- Responses: Caching and Memoization of object structures during the IIOP request/response cycle?
- Orthogonal: IIOP in Common Lisp, cf. CLORB
- Stream Adapter - feature in model diagram, fig. 1
- Virtual Device model in CORBA A/V
- Media Controller model in CORBA A/V
- Stream Controller and Stream Endpoint model in CORBA A/V
- Question: Suitability of IIOP for connectionless/datagram protocols, cf. UDP?
- Design concern: Does not provide an explicit read/write model
- Appears to be designed for media consumer services, whether or not not extensionally suitable for media creation and editing
- Filesystem protocol "Not included"
- Resources Optionally in a Context with CORBA for A/V applications
- Song, Kaleshi, and Munro 2003. CORBA-Based Stream Control and Management for IP-Based Production Studio Networks
- TV Without Borders. A little More About DVB And MHP
- Topic: CORBA
- Object Management Group
- CORBA Specifications
- CORBA Architecture
- CORBA Services
- COS Naming Service
- COS Naming Service: An Overview from Java SE doumentaiton (Java SE 7)
- Security Attribute Service (SAS)
- xRefs: [OMG CORBA][JacORB]
- Integrates with GIOP layer in ORB
- CORBA protocol interceptors (Context w/i OMG CORBA specifications: TBD)
- Kerberos
- ...
- Implementation of interfaces specified in IDL
- IDL bindings (per language and specification)
- Implementation methodologies (per ORB)
- IIOP (...)
- CORBA Component Model (CCM)
- CCM implementations include OpenCCM
- Resource page: CORBA Component Model page at the C2 Wiki
- IDL interoperability
- MOF to IDL Mapping (MOF2I)
- Official Common Lisp bindings for IDL
- Official Java bindings for IDL
- ...
- Schrorers, Wolfram. CORBA for distributed objects
- Development Tools
- ecp - the Eclipse CORBA Plugin [extensions for the Eclipse IDE]
- ORB Implementations Include
- The ACE ORB (TAO) (C, C++)
- Component Integrated ACE ORB (CIAO)
- JacORB (Java)
- Community Open ORB (Java)
- Resource: The Community OpenORB - SSL
- Community OpenORB revision 1.4.0
- cf. SSLIOP [Wikipedia] (OMG)
- CLORB (Common Lisp) (Ret. 2007)
- Apache Yoko (Java)
- [Project Info]
- [Source Tree] last updated 2002
- Core Java source files
- Utilities for OSGi integration (OSGi, Java)
- Yoko's interface onto OMG IDL (Supported CORBA IDL version TBD)
- Orthogonal Concepts
- Resource Kernel architectures in Embedded Systems Development
- Towards CORBA Architectures for Desktop Computing
- The X Window System's XLIB Protocol
- Desktop Remoting
- Interfaces onto computer hardware environments, within computer virtualization systems
- Bochs
- VirtualBox
- Xen
- ...
- Streams in SBCL
- ...
- ...
- "Tack On" Items
- Integrating filesystem structure protocols with CORBA A/V
- Interfaces to filesystem I/O and IO control via CORBA
- cf. Streams iN SBCL
- Efficiency of CORBA protocols in implementation
- Far sidebar: Parallels of CORBA and RM-ODP.
- Dunlop, Indulska, and Raymond, 1999. CORBA and RM-ODP: parallel or divergent?